Cultivate life narrative

Cultivate Your Life

Direction Motivation Dignity

"My antidote for Life Procrastination, and key to live in the day, every day."
Henrik Blennow

Cultivate life narrative

Free Intro Experience

Direction Motivation Dignity

Cultivate Life offers 2 programs, Cultivate Dreams and Cultivate Life. In both programs, you identify life qualities, and integrate them through a 5-step reflection and integration practice:Cultivate Deams, is a 1-week program focused on learning a 5-step mental yoga practice, and we integrate one crucial dream, passion, or aspect into life. The format includes a 90-minute session and two follow-ups, integrating your dream to guide your actions and decisions. Cost: 2500 SEK.Cultivate Life, is our 4-week program where we cultivate your life as a whole, integrating direction, motives, and pride. Cost: 9500 sek
(7500 sek for Cultivate Dreams participants)
Cultivate Now, is a 30-minute PT activation session to help you get back on track, and to move forward here and now. Cost: 450 sek per session(Cost: plus VAT for entrepreneurs and paying companies)The program is available in Swedish, English, German and Spanish.

Free Intro Experience, a 15-minute Cultivate Now activation, focusing on one important aspect of your life.

Henrik Blennow

Narrative Pilot | Founder @ Cultivate LifeEngineer and process developer, with a passion for life quality.I develop practical and effective methods to improve life quality. All products involve engineered step-by-step reflection and action processes, where I pilot you through methods where you discover how to develop the story you want to live - your narrative - improving your life experience.

Cultivate Life Program

Cultivate Life 4-week program:
We align the life we live with our motives and directions during this 4 weeks program. Every week starts with a 1-hour intro online on Sunday. Followed by 30-minute writing tasks. During the week I will check in with you to answer any questions that might arise, and to make sure you stay the course. The program ends with a 1-hour integration online.
Benefits from Cultivate Life:
The benefits of living a self-validated Life are countless. You mitigate stress and procrastination, add joy and kindness to life, discover new perspectives and opportunities, and become more available for self-love and compassion.
Program Framework:
A) Self-Authoring by Robert Kiegan
B) Framework for Cultivating Integration by Daniel Siegle
C) Atomic Habits by James Clear

Henrik Blennow
Cultivate Life Narrative
+46 76 876 32 61